Recent Events

This page is devoted to pictures and/or descriptions of our previous class reunions and parties. Recent is a relative term. Eventually, we will have all of our formal reunions and major parties viewable from this page. This page will also be the place for any descriptions or pictures that you feel may be of interest to the rest of our class.

Remember, please comment if you have a mind to.

LHS Class of 1963 Mini-Reunion in North Carolina

Well, it has come and gone, our mini-class reunion in Chapel Hill, NC and points west graciously hosted by Gerald Miwa. Here is a glimpse at what those of us who were able to attend experienced between our arrival on October 15th and when some of us headed for home on October 20th. The weather was absolutely perfect with the fall colors in their early stages.

Our group was small, but this allowed us to reconnect as a group and individually. I needed a wider angle lens for the group picture below, but at least everyone is smiling. There are better ones I’m sure in Richard’s camera, which he always had with him.

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From left to right around the table is Richard Liebig, Gerald, Gerald’s wife Barbara, Gail Liebig (Fisher), Donna McLaughlin, Harry Nieves, Harry’s wife Elaine, and Margaret Hollins (Emig). I’m out of view behind the camera.

Below is a somewhat better picture of Donna, Margaret, and Richard.

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Gerald had planned several sightseeing activities for our visit. Saturday after breakfast, which we all helped prepare,  we headed off to visit the Rose Garden at Duke University. Duke was playing Miami in football, which allowed us to take a leisurely walk from our cars to the old part of Duke and the garden.

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Sunday morning we headed off on a scenic, four hour drive to Ashville and a tour of its Biltmore House. It was opened in 1895 by George W. Vanderbilt, and to this day remains the largest privately owned estate in the country. It was opened to the public in 1930.

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After our tour, we enjoyed a relaxing dinner at the Bistro 1895 in downtown Asheville. After dinner we continued on to Bryson City for the night. Monday was certainly the most exciting day. It started off with a train ride up the Nantahala River Gorge along the foothills of the Smokey Mountains.

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Midway through the train ride, about half of us left the train for our 8-mile raft trip down the Nantahala River. The weather was cool and overcast for our raft trip down the river.  The water temperature was in the mid-fifties, although it felt ten degrees colder. Most people do their rafting in the summer months, but not our hardy group. The picture below shows us as we navigated through the roughest rapid. In this picture, we realize that we have conquered the river without being thrown overboard.

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Gail, Richard, me, Barbara, and Gerald were the rafters in our group. For me a late afternoon hot shower and a nap back at our Bryson City hotel capped off the day. That evening we enjoyed wine and dinner at a local Italian restaurant in Bryson City.

On Tuesday morning, we headed back to Chapel Hill, but started our journey with a brunch at the exclusive Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa. It is huge and truly breathtaking with a spectacular view of the countryside.

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Well, this is a quick rundown on what could not have been a better reunion. The weather was perfect, our activities were superbly planned and coordinated well before we arrived, all by Gerald.

In between the meals we enjoyed at various restaurants, we were treated to gourmet dishes prepared by head chef, Gerald, his talented assistant, Barbara, and his band of dicers and choppers, us. As it turns out, among his many talents, Gerald is also an excellent cook, ready for his own show on the Food Channel.

On Wednesday, some of us reluctantly returned home. Margaret and Donna stayed an extra day. Margaret had an appointment with Gerald’s realtor – who knows Margaret may very well retire to the Chapel Hill area at some point. Richard and Gail travelled on to do some sightseeing in Virginia.

Well, there you have it. Look for more photos on our web site coming soon.

As our stay was winding down, we could not help but think about our 50th Reunion coming up in 2013. We talked about possible locations etc. It’s about two and a half years away, but that time will certainly fly by.  About half of our class is still on the Missing List, hopefully we will find many of them before our 50th. In the meantime, don’t accidently become a member of the list. Please let us know if you relocate and/or change email addresses. 

Check out another rafting picture posted by Gerald on Facebook.

Michael England’s & Sylvia Davenport Franke’s Disneyland Caper (4-8-09)

In Michael’s own words:

Sylvia and I just had our own tiny class reunion and thought maybe it’d be fun stuff for the blog. I drove down from San Francisco to root for my sister in the IronMan Oceanside race last Saturday. Sylvia and I, grown up children that we are, went to Disneyland on Sunday and Disney’s California Adventure on Monday. Then for a change of pace, yesterday we visited the La Brea Tar Pits, since neither of us had ever been. Monday at DCA I talked Sylvia into riding the Hollywood Tower of Terror, and then told her I was buying the photo so I could share it with our old friends. I’m attaching the photo, as well as a zoomed-in version of just Sylvia and me. We had fun!   





News From Suzye Maycumber Lawson (3-30-09)

Dear Family and Friends:

Attached are a couple of pictures of our annual golf tournament and info on our non-profit organization.  We are really enjoying our support of

scholarship/education and our life in Costa Rica.  Our B&B will be open for 12 years in May and we will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in

July.  Business is slower than in the past few years but it allows us time to play “9” holes of golf each week and time to exercise these old bones.

Our door is always open to family & friends. Take the stress out of living and join us on the beach, in the pool, or just around the table for conversation and fun.

Peace & Love, Suzye & Barry


Villa Alegre Bed & Breakfast on the Beach

300 Metros Sur Capitan Suizo

Playa Langosta ~ Tamarindo

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Central America

Phone:     011 (506)  2653-0270

Fax:          011 (506) 2653-0287

Toll Free:          (650) 860-6317





Harry Nieves’ Trip to the Northwest (7-22-09)

In Harry’s own words:

I have just started learning to email photos. Here are some from our cruise. The photos are of Royal, Elaine and I at Pike’s Place Market in Seattle, Joe Compton (LHS 1964) his wife Marion and again Elaine and I at Fisherman’s Wharf. Joe and Marion reside in Vallejo. The last photo is of Elaine and I at the famous Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C.

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2 thoughts on “Recent Events

  1. My wife Elaine and I went to San Diego to spend several days enjoying the town. We tried to hook up with Margaret Emig but due to her schedule we could not connect. She did give us some tips on what to see, Balboa Park, etc. Thanks Margaret. While at our harbor facing hotel we noted numerous cruise ships docking. These had been Mexico bound but due to the swine flu epidemic had no place to go.

    We rushed home, got on the internet and discovered great cruise bargains on these ships which had to drastically revamp their itineraries. We booked Royal Caribbean to San Francisco, Victoria B.C. and Seattle. We had a great time. In San Francisco it was cold and cloudy. We met Joe Compton (LHS 1964) and his wife Marion for dinner at Fisherman’s Wharf. He sends his best wishes to all LHS alums.

    Next port was Victoria B.C. where we toured Craigdarrock Castle and Buchart Gardens. Both lovely sites. It was 88 degrees, a record. Next was Seattle where we had lunch at Pike’s Place Market with Royal Linden (LHS ’63). He is fine and is employed as a consulting engineer for the Seattle transit system. At Pike’s we observed the legendary fish tossing and catching. Royal guided us to the monorail which we took to the Space Needle. Great view since it was a clear day and a warm 87 degrees.

    It was a great cruise augmented by having warm get togethers with my old friends and fellow LHS alums.

  2. Harry,

    Thanks for sharing. That was really smart of you. There is certainly a lot of great deals on cruises right now. The fish tossing made the LA Times the other day. Some animal rights groups are upset.

    I took a cruise, but it was only 26 miles. I spent the day in Catalina recently. I love that place, but had not been there for about 30 years.

    Speaking of friends in the Northwest, I am driving up to Oregon to see Ernie Case, Steve Mortenson, and his wife, the former Maryanne Brown (64). As always, Ernie and Steve have planned activities to ensure my visit will be fun filled and exciting. Of course we will be taking one of the days to play some golf, where I will be thoroughly trounced.

    I won’t be getting as far north as Seattle this time, so won’t be able to say hi to Royal. I’m taking a scenic, and somewhat leasurely route home. I hope gas prices level off.

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